Sunday, November 21, 2010


In our Digital Civilization class we split into groups for final projects, and mine is doing one the Mormon presence in the Digital Age. So far we've created a website to gather and share ideas - Sharing the Gospel in a Digital World - and tonight we'll be hosting a fireside at BYU to show members just some of the things we can do to help further online missionary work. It may not be well known that the church actually has several full-time missionaries working completely online. At our fireside we'll actually Skype them in to talk a little about some of the things they do and also what we can do.

As there is still a "Civilization" in the class name, my main job in the group will be to apply the historical aspect missionary work to the project. We're still brainstorming, but our first order of business will most likely be to add to the "Historical Content" area of the website. We want to compare and contrast how missionary work was done when the church was formed (maybe even earlier) to what it's like now.

At the end of the semester, on December 9th, each group in our class will be presenting our final projects. They will be on a wide variety of topics from class so I encourage anyone who would like to learn more about Digital Civilization to come. I'll most likely be putting more information into a comment on this post soon.

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